Monday, January 29, 2018

Prompt Shoot

Today you will have 70 minutes in 2-3 person teams to go shoot another prompt shoot for the year. This might very well be the last one of the year, so have fun. Remember, these do not have to direct interpretations of the word, use your imagination. Don't forget the "rules of photography" and try to use them in your work.

When you return, you will be expected to upload and edit your photos. Title the post "Prompt Shoot"

I am going to give you 7 prompts, you need to turn in 4, so pick your favorites and go for it - push yourselves. Make sure you look at the cropping requirements as some require vertical images!!

Here are the prompts:

The End

Here are the crop requirements for the 4 you must post on your blog:

One image must be vertical, cropped at 8 inches x 10 inches, resolution 300.

One image must be horizontal, cropped at 4 inches x 6 inches, resolution 72.

One image must be cropped at 5 inches x 7 inches OR 7 inches x 5 inches, resolution 180.

One image can be any size you like, resolution 240 (take advantage of this one to crop something fun, like a panoramic type look or even a super tall, skinny image)!!

One of the four images must be B&W.

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