Thursday, January 11, 2018

Deadlines in Journalism

You will be reading two stories. The first is on WHY deadlines are important and the second will be on HOW to improve your deadline skills and habits. Please complete this task in a blog post titled: Deadlines, ARGGH!!

First read this article and answer the questions below:

1. What is the origins of the word deadline?
2. What impact will missing a deadline have on you?
3. Have you had issues meeting deadlines in other classes? If so, what consequences did you have for missing those deadlines?
4. Do you find yourself missing deadlines on a regular basis? If so, what do you think causes you to miss deadlines?
Now read this article on how to improve your deadline skills and answer the questions below:

1. Which of those eight suggestions do you think might help you be more efficient?
2. Which of the suggestions is the toughest for you to complete? Why?
3. Are you a morning or night person?
3A. What are some of the problems you might run into because you are more productive at certain times of the day?
4. How can you create a dedicated study time for yourself?
5. What are three direct things could you do to eliminate distractions?

Finally, look at the following suggestion list for help with homework and answer the questions below:

1. Are there any correlations to taking control of your homework and time management?
2. What is your ideal study setting and mood?
3. What are your biggest distractions when it comes to studying?
4. What three things could you do to help with those distractions?

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