You will be writing 3 captions AND using your knowledge of Photographic Composition to describe 4 photos. Captions are worth 6 points each and descriptions are worth 10 points each. Everyone will receive 2 automatic bonus points - so you all have a 2, so far!!!
Part 1
Caption writing - Following these instructions there will be five photos, you MUST PICK THREE (3) of them and write captions for them. They must be in the correct format and written correctly. I hope you remember how to do it!!!! I have put a short headline below the photo to help you. You may make up names and situations as needed.
Indian Ocean Fishermen
Indian Fire-breathing exhibition
South Korean military exercises
New York Snowstorm
Italian Santa Clause stand-up paddling
Indian Fire-breathing exhibition
South Korean military exercises
New York Snowstorm
Italian Santa Clause stand-up paddling
Part 2
In this section you will find a number of photos. You must choose FOUR (4) and write about the photographic composition of each. You should write enough to explain the rule. This means DO NOT just write rule of thirds, you must EXPLAIN the rule of thirds and how the photographer achieved it.
There should be just ONE clear example in each photo, but some photos may have more than one, if you mention more than one, please make sure to explain it fully (for those people that take this extra step, I will probably award extra points). I recommend you write at least a paragraph of at least three sentences. At least. I should be able to know exactly which photo your writing about because your writing should include words to help me know that. It should be very, very clear.
In addition to writing about the rules of photography evident. I would also like for you to share your other photography knowledge. Write a few sentences sharing your opinions about the lighting, the use of depth of field, and the exposure of the image.
Go to the following website and then answer the questions below on your blog.
1. Explain what happened to the man that was killed by the subway and how the photographer was able to take the photo.
2. Why did the photographer say he took the photo?
3. Do you think the photographer should have taken the photo?
4. Do you think the photographer did the best thing he could have done in this situation? Why or why not?
5. Do you agree or disagree with the decision to run the photo on the front page of the New York Post? Explain why or why not.
6. What is more important to a photojournalist, capturing images of life as it happens or stopping bad things from happening? Why or why not?
7. Do you think it is ever ethically acceptable for a photographer to involve himself/herself in a situation that he or she photographs? Explain why or why not.
8. Should photojournalists always avoid influencing events as they happen? Explain your answer.
9. After reading the responses from the professional photographers, what stands out as the most appropriate response for a photographer to this situation.