When you are done planning, make sure everyone knows their part in the process.
Here are the deadlines:
All photos must be turned in to Coach to be printed by Wednesday, Nov. 2.
The Mural itself must be completed by Tuesday, Nov. 8.
You will have in-class time to work on the project - but we will also have other things to do in-between so be aware of this. All photos MUST be color managed in Photoshop (levels) and you will crop the images 8.5 inches by 11 inches for tall photos, or 11 inches by 8.5 inches for wide photos.
When you have your images ready to print, ask Coach for a thumb drive, put your images on the drive and he will print them and have them to you by the next class.
There will be multiple grades for this assignment:
A self-grade - grading your own efforts
A group grade -grading the efforts of the rest of your team
A deadline grade - achieving the multiple deadlines associated with this project
A completed task grade - your final grade, I will use a rubric for this and you will have it in advance
A peer review grade - you grading another teams project - you will actually grade 3 other projects and you will get a grade for accomplishing this on time
Here are some that were done last year. I consider these the better ones, but I hope yours is better than these!!
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