I also wanted to formally assign the portrait and self-portrait shoot. You may get cameras beginning today to shoot this assignment. You can take as many photos as you want, but you will be required to turn in 1 portrait (of any variety of someone else), and one self-portrait that you take of yourself. This self-portrait must be you using the self-timer on the camera. You must use either my cameras or a DSLR that you have at home.
We will be using both of this images in a future assignment so you must shoot at least some of these vertically. You may turn in a horizontal image for both the portrait and self-portrait, but you will need vertical images of the same subjects for a future assignment, so make sure you shoot both ways (or just shoot vertically). You will need to turn in FULL FRAME images so make sure you either zoom in really well or get close to your subject.
These must be turned in by by November 30/Dec. 1, so you have over three weeks, but it is just 5-6 classes, so you have to check out a camera and return it the next day. Plan accordingly. Anyone who does not bring the camera back the next day will lose 10 points on the portrait and self-portrait major assignment. You may only check out a camera every other day, so don't abuse the fact you have one. Absences don't mean a thing - if you borrow a camera, you better get it back to me the next day somehow!!!
Please get started on this ASAP!!!
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