Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Funny Captions

Funny Captions - the right way!!

I call this assignment: FUNNY CAPTIONS. Make sure you follow the rules at the bottom, and get in the habit of doing this because from now on you will be asked to write a captions on photos you take and post on your blog, where appropriate. I expect you to learn how to do it correctly and following the rules listed below. 

Go to the following site and find the three funniest photos that capture some kind of action or emotion.

Save your three favorite photos in your folder on the server, and upload them to your blog. Under each photo write a funny, two sentence, caption that follows these rules:

Caption Rules:

1. First sentence includes major information about the photo (who, what, where, when, why, how). You may make up the information for this assignment.

2. First sentence should be written in present tense as if the action of the photo is still happening.

3. Second sentence should be past tense, and should include background information.

4. Information in the second sentence should not be obvious by looking at the photo.

5. If there are three or fewer recognizable people in the photo, you must give all of their names (you can make them up for this assignment).

6. Use strong action verbs whenever possible.

7. Make these funny.

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