Thursday, September 1, 2016

Friday September 2nd

Happy Friday 4th period!!! As you all know, I am not here today, so here is a list of everything you need to have COMPLETED AND POSTED by next Wednesday!

  • Go through the Mac basic skills post again and set your mouse, dock, background, etc. The computer is now ready for you to set up how you want it, DO NOT link your iCloud unless you want everyone on campus to be able to access your account.The computers are ALL working, if your log in does not work just restart the machine and that should do it. 

  • Complete the Great Black and White Photographers assignment by posting the names of your 3 photographers, 3 pictures and the names of the pictures on your blog. 

  • If you have not done the first assignment yet, create your blog and email me the link.

  • Now that you have looked at the great black and white photographers, I want you to find 3 modern day photographers and do the same thing with them. Post their names and a favorite photo (with the photo name) for each of them. 

-Coach D

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