Here are your instructions for today:
Everyone needs to scroll down and do the Warm-up titled "Sensory Overload"
This should take about 15 minutes TOPS
"Sensory Overload"
Check out this link:
After you read the story please answer the following questions on your blog:
1. The last sentence of the story says
"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.
What do you think about this statement?
Do you agree or disagree?
As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography?
2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera?
3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place?
4. Describe your favorite photo to me.
If you shot sports/action
Please do the warm-up and then:
Please process your images in Photoshop - do levels and you may crop the image as indicated below.
Make sure you post FOUR (4) photos to your blog.
1. Action coming directly at the camera
2. Action moving across the plane of the camera at a 90 degree angle
3. Panning - post your best effort, even if it isn't perfect
4. Creative blur
Reminders: When you get the crop tool to crop your image, you need to go to the top menu bars and find the drop down with the word "Ratio" and change that to "HxWxResolution" so you can crop the way you are used to cropping.
You will need to post FOUR (4) photos in the format I will list in below. You will need to open photoshop to complete this task.
Photo 1 - This is the photo of the subject running or moving directly at you - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in full color, and saved at 200 dpi/resolution. Don't forget to do color corrections by using levels.
Photo 2 -This is the photo of the subject running across the plane of the camera. - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in full color and at 180 dpi/resolution. Don't forget to do levels!
Photo 3 - This is the "Panning" photo - make sure you pick one that is blurry except where you caught the subject correctly in focus. Submit your best one - I know this is hard to learn in 15 minutes so I will be forgiving with your grade on this one if you tried your best!! - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in full color and saved at 300 dpi/resolution. Don't forget to do color corrections in photoshop.
Photo 4 - This is your "blur" photo, you can submit any photo you want here as long as it shows motion and blur. Be creative and pick one that you think is cool looking - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in Black and White (greyscale) and saved at 150 dpi/resolution. If Black and White really ruins the approach to your photo, you are free to leave it in color if you want.
You must post each of these on your blog. I hope you remember how to do "levels" in photoshop and you remember how to crop, how to change from color to black and white and how to change the dpi/resolution. I will be able to tell if you did it right or wrong, so make sure to ask if you don't remember. You can look at previous blogs, or ask a friend.
If you DID NOT shoot action:
You will get a camera today to go shoot with anyone left. You will go after you have finished the warm-up. You will have 30-35 minutes to shoot. You are behind and you have to work hard today to catch-up please.
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