Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Academic post shoot reflection and peer reflection

You should have 3-5 images from the academic shoot posted already. Please go back and edit the post with those photos - answer the following questions for each photo you turned in (either underneath the photo if you did 1 big post, or under each photo in your separate posts):

1. What composition rule did you follow the rule?

2. What is the subject (be very very specific)?

3. Is it clear to people looking at your photos what the subject is?

4. If you can't very clearly see what the subject is, what could you have done differently?


Make a new blog post - title it - Academic Shoot reflection and critique. Answer the following questions:

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you? 

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?

4. What things would you do the same?

5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?

6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?

7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?

Third: Now go and critique someone else's work (1st period, you will need to do this next class, I will allow time for you to complete this task):

Step 1:Pick someone else's blog to look at that is not in this class from the blog list. 

Step 2: On your blog copy and paste the link for the student's blog. 

Step 3: Write two positive things about the photos. 

Step 4: Write about one thing that could be improved in the photos.

Step 5: Leave them a comment on their blog about their work. You can choose to write something clearly positive, or you can choose to leave a comment that is constructive criticism (something that is written in a positive way, but makes a suggestion on something they could have done better).

I will grade both that you did this correctly with a DIRECT LINK to their blog, and I will grade the comment you left them for appropriateness.

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