Wednesday, February 1, 2017

King Pica--Filling the spread

Today you will transfer your King Pica spread onto the computer and begin filling it with information. You will have two classes to complete this task. If you finish early, you will start on YOUR yearbook spread.

Your job today is to make the appropriate boxes for each of the ones we made together. It is really easy to make the correct box and at the top in the sub-menus you can input the correct width and heights. Then all you have to do is drag them into the correct space. Make sure to use the columns to help you position them correctly.

Once you get your first box or so made, SAVE AS and rename it: King Pica_last name

Remember that everything needs to be exactly 1 pica apart. Also don't forget that the eyelines are not real lines, but will be a white space between objects.

When you are finished make sure that you share it with me so I can verify that you have completed the task correctly. I will make sure its all lined up and ready to be filled with photos and text.

Then you need to decide upon a theme and head to google and start finding pictures for that theme. It will really help you to pick pictures that fit the spaces, vertical photos for vertical spaces and horizontal photos for horizontal spaces. Find 7 total photos. Crop them in Photoshop for the right dimensions - remember we use picas now, not inches.

Then start placing the photos into the In Design spread. Remember how to place?
>file>place or command-d

Once you get the photos into place - you need to write a 2 sentence caption for each photo and write them in the correct places.

Then write three headlines for your story - these can be generic - you can pick the size and font, but you cannot change the size of the box.

Then in the story area, write a 3 paragraph story about your theme. This story can totally be made up, but it does have to be about your theme. You will need to adjust the font and size to fit the entire text space.

.PDF and email, .JPEG and your blog

When you are done - you need to make your In Design document into a PDF file (.pdf file extension) and email it to Coach D at and then convert that PDF into a JPEG (.jpeg file extension) and post it on your blog.

Here is how you do that:

You must have your Yearbook Spread open in InDesign (NOT photoshop)

Converting your InDesign file to PDF Directions:

>File>Adobe PDF presets>Smallest File Size

Rename your yearbook spread as follows: Last name_first name_kingpicaspread_period #

Make sure to save it in your folder (not your H-drive, not your S-drive, NOT the desktop, your folder)

> Click save

When the dialog box comes up in the middle of the screen find the word PAGES
Switch it from ALL
to RANGE 2-3
Then click the box below that says SPREADS
> Click Export

This will create a two page .pdf spread. Email this to me using the following directions.

Submission Directions (How to turn it in)

1. Open your email (gmail, yahoo, whatever you use), compose new mail
2. The email address to send your yearbook spread is:
3. The subject line is: Last name_first name_kingpicaspread_period#
4. Click attach file (it often has a paperclip looking item next to it)
5. Attach your yearbook spread - BE VERY CAREFUL and make sure to send me the one that is a .PDF (It will have a .pdf ending and the file should look like a little grey square) DO NOT SEND ME THE InDesign document which is purple and at the end says .indd.
6. Click send (or mail or whatever your company uses to send mail).

Posting your JPEG on your blog 

FINALLY  -  we want to post these on your blog. To do this you have to convert the .pdf into a jpeg file.

1. Open Photoshop
2. Open the .pdf of your yearbook spread (NOT the .indd, it won't work)
3. When the .pdf converter pop-up box appears, hit OKAY
This will open them both in Photoshop.
4. >File>Save as
5. Change the format into .jpeg
6. Click save
7. Make sure you save it at the highest file size
8. If you get any other pop-up boxes, click okay
9. Post it on your blog.

You have two classes to complete all of these tasks. If you get done early you can start your next blank spread.

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