Monday, February 27, 2017

Newspaper Design #1

Today you will use the entire period to re-create a page from the Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4.

In your folder you will find a folder called: 2017 NEWSPAPER DESIGN #1 and inside you will find an Indesign file titled: News Page Design 1.

Please open that file in InDesign. You will see if you are in Normal view mode that there are all the parts that were used to create Page B7 in the 4th issue of The Lone Star Dispatch.

Your job is simple. Move those items into the proper place as you see on Page B7. Everything should move properly into the correct space. You should not have to adjust ANYTHING. Just use the black arrow tool and move items into the correct spots.

You will need to PLACE the photos from that folder called: NEWSPAPER DESIGN #1, into the correct places once you have the photo boxes in the correct spot.

Make sure that you use ALL of the items available and that they are in the right places. Refer to the printed page to help you.

Once you are done with this part. Create a .PDF at the smallest file size and email it to me. Then create a .jpeg from the .PDF in Photoshop and post it on your blog.

If you do not remember how to do these two steps, refer to the instructions in the yearbook design 2 or King Pica assignment you did a couple of weeks ago.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4 & Submitting Lit Mag Photos

Please post your 3 images in a new blog titled "Literary Magazine" and then email them to with the following in the subject line Your Name & Literary Magazine Artwork Submission. Artwork should be attached as a JPEG.

Then please start your evaluating the Lone Star Dispatch, Issue #4.

Here is your assignment top be completed on your blog in an assignment titled Lone Star Dispatch Issue #4:


You will be required to read three story from the paper:

Pick one story from pages A1, A2, A3 or A4-5
Pick one story from pages A6, A7 or B3
Pick one story from pages B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, or B7

As you read the stories I want you to answer the following questions for EACH story:

First, write a three to five sentence summary of the story.

Second, answer the following questions:

Who was quoted in the story?
What quote was the strongest in your opinion and where did that quote appear in the story?
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?


Then I want you to do a couple of things with the photography:

You will be required to evaluate five photos from the paper.

Pick one photo from pages A1, A2, A3
Pick one photo from pages B1 or B2
Pick one photo from pages B4, B5, B6 or B7
Pick one photo from page A8
Pick one photo from page B8

Answer the following questions for EACH photo:

Critique the photo in 2-3 sentences, include in your writing something about the lighting, the impact of the photo on the page, the impact of the photo on the story it goes with.
What rule of composition do you see in the photo?
What or who is the main subject?
Is the photo exposed properly?
Do you see evidence of a shallow or deep depth of field?

Once you are done with specific images, please look at all the photos in the entire paper.

What is your favorite photo in the entire paper?
Why is this your favorite?
What rules of photo composition are evident?

What is your least favorite photo in the entire paper?
Why is this your least favorite?

If you were a photographer on staff, which event/photo assignment would you have liked to do for this issue? You will need to look through the entire paper and see the topics covered and decide which one you think would have been fun.

Overall, how would you rate the photography in this issue? What were the strong points and weak points, write 2-3 sentences.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Intro to Newspaper Design

Intro to Newspaper Design

Overview: We are have examined yearbook layout. Now it is time to turn our attention to Newspaper Design. Visit the Newseum's Gallery of newspaper front pages from around the world. Take 15 minutes to look at the different front pages.

Click on the Map View and look at the following:
  • Newspapers from at least three different states in the United States.
  • Two newspapers in New York City. 
  • Two newspapers in Texas.
  • Two newspapers in Europe.
  • Two newspapers in Asia.
Assignment: In a new blog titled "Front Pages of the World" answer the following:
  1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why? 
  2. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it? 
  3. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite? 
  4. What do you notice that all newspaper front pages have in common? Look at design, size of photos, size of story text, etc.
  5. What are things that vary (or are different) on the front pages of different newspapers? Look at design, size of photos, size of headlines, etc. 
When you are done  —Check out The Lone Star Dispatch newspaper (class set on the table) and take some notes about items found in newspapers on your blog. 
What do you like about our school paper vs the other papers you looked at?
What stands out to you in this paper?
How many stories did you find interesting?
How can this paper be improved?
Does is follow rules and guidelines like the other papers?
What else would you like to say about our school paper?

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Website Review

Check out this web post:

Check out the seven suggested websites.

Pick one to explore.

Write a review of the website from your perspective. (250-300 words)
Include information like:

What is the website intention?
What do they write about?
What can an average viewer get out of going to that website?
Will you add this website to your bookmarks?
Would you recommend the website?

Give it a rating on a scale of 1-5 (1 bad, 5 good) and tell me why you gave it that rating.

Finally, share something that you learned or a photo your found on your website that you liked the most. Write a short (150-200) words about why you chose to share what you published on your blog.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Outside Prompt Shoot - Literary magazine - Due Tuesday, Feb. 21

I would like all of you to complete a Prompt Shoot outside of school. This is unusual because we are working with the staff of the Bowie Literary Magazine to get some images for their publication. The Literary Society has been working hard to revive this publication and I am a complete supporter of their efforts.

You will have until Feb 21st for this outside shoot assignment. It will also be a MAJOR grade for me. You are NOT required to submit your effort to the Lit Mag, but if you want, I will work with you on getting it over to them. You will be required to turn in THREE (3) images, each representing a different prompt listed below.

The best way to shoot this type of images is to not overthink, but you do have to plan. Below you will find a list of "prompts" in the form of the name of the poem/written piece. Your job will be to interpret it however you think, very similarly to what we do with prompt shoots. This is a fairly long list because it would be great to have images representing a number of these to help the literary magazine staff have options when piecing together the product. You will get credit in the Lit Mag and your name will appear in the magazine. This is a great publication opportunity.

Here is the list, in no specific order:

According to Alice
A cap and gown
Barren Discovery
Common Lost Love
In the Woods
The Night After
The Moonflower
For you
Anthill Cast
Deep in the Heart
Coming Home
Fruitless Trial
Cosmic Planning
Safe Haven
Ada Michigan
Things you don't notice, but I do
I believe in Makeup
The is nobody driving
The Paper Forest

In addition, there are sections to the Lit Mag this year and potentially there could be images created to go with those divider pages. Here are the working section titles:

The Ordinary World
The Call to Adventure
Crossing the Threshold
The Path of Trials
Return with the Elixir

Your submission must be school appropriate, but other than that, it is up to your interpretation. If you want to talk about ideas with me, I would be happy to work with you. If you decide to send in your work, you may chose to include a title of your piece, or it will be listed as "untitled".

You may use all of my equipment, including specialty lenses if we talk about your ideas. I also have tripods if you need them.

Last year the theme was: High School; Twisted Fairytales and Other Terrors of Growing Up
Here are some of the images selected from students in my classes:

See how creative they are - find a way to do this!!

Monday, February 6, 2017

Yearbook Spread

Now that most of you have finished the King Pica yearbook spread we worked on together, getting photos from the internet and sending me a .PDF of your completed work, its time to create your own personal Self-Designed version.

Your job is to create your own unique yearbook spread.

A few things you should know about:

It will be in full color so you are welcome to change both fonts and font colors, as well as the way they are facing.

You will be shooting all of the photos for your spread, so remember that if you decide to put 25 photos on your page. You have to fill all of those spots. Nothing can be "stolen" from the internet. You should be done shooting this assignment so as soon as your spread is approved by me - you can get started filling it up!!!


1 pica gap between every element on your pages
Must have a vertical or horizontal eye-line of some sort
Must have a "dominant" photo
Must have a headline and 1 subhead line
Must have text (story space) which must be at least 2 columns wide and 15 pica (s) tall
Captions should "touch"/be next to the photo they belong too (remember it needs to be 1 pica away though) and you must write a caption for every photo on your spread

Things you can alter:

Photo shapes and sizes
The number of photos
Headline and subhead sizes, shapes, fonts and colors
Size, shape and font of text/story area

YOU MUST show me your spread as you are working. Its on YOU to get up and show me your work. I must sign off on your spread before you begin transferring it to InDesign.

When you are ready to transfer the draft sheet to the computer - open the InDesign document called: Yearbook Spread sz 7. Once it is open, save as and change the name to:

Last name_first name_myyearbookspread_period#

Start working.

Getting your completed In Design piece should not take longer than what you have left today in class and ALL of next class to finish.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Friday February 3rd and Monday February 6th

Finish up your InDesign project that you started last class, then go back to the "Yearbook Assignment" and begin to review and work on your very own yearbook spread! You may use the blank InDesign template I placed in your folder on the server last class. Grades have been updated, please make sure you correct any zeros/missing assignments.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pica Story

King Pica--Filling the spread

Today you will transfer your King Pica spread onto the computer and begin filling it with information. You will have two classes to complete this task. If you finish early, you will start on YOUR yearbook spread.

Your job today is to make the appropriate boxes for each of the ones we made together. It is really easy to make the correct box and at the top in the sub-menus you can input the correct width and heights. Then all you have to do is drag them into the correct space. Make sure to use the columns to help you position them correctly.

Once you get your first box or so made, SAVE AS and rename it: King Pica_last name

Remember that everything needs to be exactly 1 pica apart. Also don't forget that the eyelines are not real lines, but will be a white space between objects.

When you are finished make sure that you share it with me so I can verify that you have completed the task correctly. I will make sure its all lined up and ready to be filled with photos and text.

Then you need to decide upon a theme and head to google and start finding pictures for that theme. It will really help you to pick pictures that fit the spaces, vertical photos for vertical spaces and horizontal photos for horizontal spaces. Find 7 total photos. Crop them in Photoshop for the right dimensions - remember we use picas now, not inches.

Then start placing the photos into the In Design spread. Remember how to place?
>file>place or command-d

Once you get the photos into place - you need to write a 2 sentence caption for each photo and write them in the correct places.

Then write three headlines for your story - these can be generic - you can pick the size and font, but you cannot change the size of the box.

Then in the story area, write a 3 paragraph story about your theme. This story can totally be made up, but it does have to be about your theme. You will need to adjust the font and size to fit the entire text space.

.PDF and email, .JPEG and your blog

When you are done - you need to make your In Design document into a PDF file (.pdf file extension) and email it to Coach D at and then convert that PDF into a JPEG (.jpeg file extension) and post it on your blog.

Here is how you do that:

You must have your Yearbook Spread open in InDesign (NOT photoshop)

Converting your InDesign file to PDF Directions:

>File>Adobe PDF presets>Smallest File Size

Rename your yearbook spread as follows: Last name_first name_kingpicaspread_period #

Make sure to save it in your folder (not your H-drive, not your S-drive, NOT the desktop, your folder)

> Click save

When the dialog box comes up in the middle of the screen find the word PAGES
Switch it from ALL
to RANGE 2-3
Then click the box below that says SPREADS
> Click Export

This will create a two page .pdf spread. Email this to me using the following directions.

Submission Directions (How to turn it in)

1. Open your email (gmail, yahoo, whatever you use), compose new mail
2. The email address to send your yearbook spread is:
3. The subject line is: Last name_first name_kingpicaspread_period#
4. Click attach file (it often has a paperclip looking item next to it)
5. Attach your yearbook spread - BE VERY CAREFUL and make sure to send me the one that is a .PDF (It will have a .pdf ending and the file should look like a little grey square) DO NOT SEND ME THE InDesign document which is purple and at the end says .indd.
6. Click send (or mail or whatever your company uses to send mail).

Posting your JPEG on your blog 

FINALLY  -  we want to post these on your blog. To do this you have to convert the .pdf into a jpeg file.

1. Open Photoshop
2. Open the .pdf of your yearbook spread (NOT the .indd, it won't work)
3. When the .pdf converter pop-up box appears, hit OKAY
This will open them both in Photoshop.
4. >File>Save as
5. Change the format into .jpeg
6. Click save
7. Make sure you save it at the highest file size
8. If you get any other pop-up boxes, click okay
9. Post it on your blog.

You have two classes to complete all of these tasks. If you get done early you can start your next blank spread.