As we get ready to take photos soon on our new assignment, self-portrait and portrait photography. I thought you might want to look at some ideas and get something more than just looking at some photos. With that in mind - go take a look at these 4 websites.
After looking at these, find what you think are the best 2 or 3 tips and copy and paste them into a new post on your blog (I don’t need 2-3 tips from each site, but 2-3 total, but please look at all three sites).
When you go out to shoot these types of photos, there are three main types of portraits, the environmental portrait, a self-portrait and a casual portrait. Lets go find some examples of these types of images.
Next, I want you to a Google image search “Environmental portrait” and pick out 2 that you really like and post them on your blog. Tell me what you liked about the photo and why you picked it.
Google image search “photography self portrait” and pick out 2 that you really like and post them on your blog. Tell me what you liked about the photo and why you picked it.
Google image search “casual portrait” and pick out 2 that you really like and post them on your blog. Tell me what you liked about the photo and why you picked it.
Please write a paragraph telling me your plan for your portrait assignment. Answer the following questions: who will you shoot, where will you shoot, and what will you do to make the shot successful.
Be specific on all three answers. When I read it I should know who and where you will take the photos and I should know exactly what your plan is to make sure you get a quality photo. BE AWARE I MUST SEE RULES OF PHOTOGRAPHY.