Today you will go out and take photos for the Academic Shoot.
Here is the assignment:
You will go out around the Bowie campus and go into classrooms and take photos. There are some rules about this - you MUST get permission to take photos in any classroom, so knock politely and ask permission to come in. If the teacher says no, please find another teacher. I have sent an email to the campus letting them know that you may come to their rooms. I highly recommend classes where there is something going on - like a science class or perhaps engineering or even culinary. DO NOT go to PE or any sort of dance or place where there is lots of movement going on, we will do motion later and the cameras are not set up to shoot motion yet. I expect you to stay with your partner/team at all times, the camera is your pass.
What will you shoot?
Your goal is to get high quality, peak of the action photos where you fill the frame and tell a story of what is going on in that classroom. If you know the saying - a picture is worth a 1000 words - this is the concept we are going for.
Do I need to do anything else?
Why, yes, you do. I expect you to turn in 5 really good photos. I also expect to see some sort of rules of photography evident in each of your photos. You will be asked to reflect on your work afterwards, and you will also be completing a peer reflection as well, so be ready to defend your work in writing.
Do you remember the rules of composition we have covered?
Here they are again:
Rule of Thirds
Avoiding Mergers
But remember the focus is Academics. Each photo must have "Academics" in it.
I will be doing a short presentation about expectations and suggestions before you head out. Make sure you pay attention.
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