Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Great Black and White Photographers

To learn how to take Great Photos, its important to look backwards at some of the most famous photographers and their work to get ideas and examples of what great photos look like.
The first photographers worked mainly in the Black & White medium. Each spent thousands of hours  in the darkroom perfecting their prints which were as important to the final power of their prints as was their hard work and artistic eye when they originally shot them.

Although we won't be going into a traditional wet darkroom this year, we will be using another type of darkroom, Photoshop, to change and manipulate our photos. In the near future we will begin using Photoshop but first lets look at some of those famous photographers and their work.

First - Preview some of the masters

Go to:


Click through all of the master photographers listed on the left side of the site. Look at their photos. When you click on individual photographers, their work will show up in the middle of the screen in a little slide. You will need to click on one of those, and then use the magnifying glass to zoom in. You will also see a forward button so you can flip through all of their work.

Next - Choose three you like - make note of their names.
Choose well because you will be assigned one of these photographers for a more extensive assignment. At least two of the three must have done documentary work (candid photos of people).

On your blog - Post the names of the three photographers you like and your favorite photo from each. You may have to do a google image search to find the photo you want, as not every photo on the "masters-of-photography" website are linkable. Make sure you SAVE the photos you pick out to the DESKTOP and post to your blog in the same post.

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