Monday, January 29, 2018

Prompt Shoot

Today you will have 70 minutes in 2-3 person teams to go shoot another prompt shoot for the year. This might very well be the last one of the year, so have fun. Remember, these do not have to direct interpretations of the word, use your imagination. Don't forget the "rules of photography" and try to use them in your work.

When you return, you will be expected to upload and edit your photos. Title the post "Prompt Shoot"

I am going to give you 7 prompts, you need to turn in 4, so pick your favorites and go for it - push yourselves. Make sure you look at the cropping requirements as some require vertical images!!

Here are the prompts:

The End

Here are the crop requirements for the 4 you must post on your blog:

One image must be vertical, cropped at 8 inches x 10 inches, resolution 300.

One image must be horizontal, cropped at 4 inches x 6 inches, resolution 72.

One image must be cropped at 5 inches x 7 inches OR 7 inches x 5 inches, resolution 180.

One image can be any size you like, resolution 240 (take advantage of this one to crop something fun, like a panoramic type look or even a super tall, skinny image)!!

One of the four images must be B&W.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Selfie and Shutterbug

PART 1 - Self-portrait vs "Selfie"

Now that we have taken some self-portraits, lets take a look at the difference between a self-portrait and so-called "selfie". Is there a difference? Read the following article and tell me what you think! Write at least 200 words answering the following questions. Title the new blog post "Self-portrait vs 'Selfie'"

What is a selfie?
What is a self-portrait?
Is there a difference? If so, what?
What style do you prefer? Why?
Is one more valuable/important than the other? Why?

Please also find a school-appropriate "selfie" you have taken and post it on your blog.

PART 2 - Shutterbug websites

Check out this web post:

Check out the seven suggested websites.

Pick one to explore.

Write a short review of the website from your perspective. (say 200-300 words)
Include information like:

What is the website intention?
What do they write about?
What can an average viewer get out of going to that website?
Will you add this website to your bookmarks?
Would you recommend the website?

Give it a rating on a scale of 1-5 (1 bad, 5 good) and tell me why you gave it that rating.

Finally, share something that you learned or a photo your found on your website that you liked the most. Write a short (150-200) words about why you chose to share what you published on your blog.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Magazine workday 1 & 2

Good Morning!!

You should start mocking up your cover - you could come up with a name, get a date line, start looking for a bar code or making one, starting to think about headlines (called cover lines in the magazine world), colors, design elements you may want to include in your magazine cover

Crop your image in Photoshop - 8.5 inches x 11 inches at 300 resolution. To get those sub-menu choices you have to select the crop tool.

Always save as the first time you touch an image and from then on you can just save.

Don't forget to do levels.

To get the image into InDesign - you need make an X-box to place the photo in. Once you have the box made - you can either command-D or you can go under >file to >place.

Use the text tool to create boxes that you can type into. Don't forget to play with colors, sizes and even fonts. Be creative

If you are comfortable using Photoshop to do text or other things, feel free. But remember to make your document 8.5 x 11 inches because you will have to import the completed image to InDesign. You may have to flatten your layers and make sure to save it as a .jpeg.

Your Magazine Covers MUST include the following:

You will need to complete the following on each cover, you will be turning in TWO:

A. Magazine name

Think carefully about the font you use

You may not use the name of a real magazine (except on accident) - so please get creative!!

B. A teaser / cover line (headline type description) for the main story.

For "picture married to type" you must have at least 3-4 teasers/headlines (cover lines)
For a "forest of words" type cover you must have 5 or more teasers/headlines (cover lines):

C. Pricing and date information and a bar code (appropriately sized!!)If you want to do some fun things with your image, like putting text over your photo or making a cut-out, here are some tutorials:

If you want to try to add a second or even third photo to model a magazine cover you like, go for it.

TEXT OVERLAP TUTORIAL -- If you really want to make your magazine cover look professional, try making the subject in your photo overlap the title of your magazine. Below is a link to a good tutorial to teach you how to add layers in Photoshop to create this effect.

CUT-OUT TUTORIAL - if you are interested in doing some sort of cut-out, you can visit this link for a tutorial. This will walk you through the process of completing a cut-out. Don't forget it still needs to be cropped at 8.5x11 inches.

If you want to practice once using the same image as the tutorial, the link to the cat photo is here:

How to make a cut-out using Quick Mask Tool
We are going to cut out the cat out of its background.
Step 1: Open the file named “Cat” in Photoshop and make sure the layer he is on is selected.
Step 2: Click the edit in Quick Mask Mode button( ) in the Tools panel. In Quick Mask Mode, a red overlay
appears as you make a selection, masking the area outside the selection.
Step 3: In the Tools Panel, Select the Brush tool
Step 4: Open the Brush pop-up panel by right clicking on the screen, and select a large hard brush. Click outside
the panel to close it.
Step 5: Start to paint on the cat. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just make sure you have the cat painted with the
red overlay.
Step 6: Press the Quick Mask Tool button again, and what you painted will be selected. Click the Mask Panel,
which is grouped with the Adjustment Panel, and click on the add a Pixel mask button( ). The cat shouldn’t
be visible right now. Click on the invert button on the Mask Panel, and the cat should appear while the
background disappears.
Step 7: With the brush tool paint the remaining unneeded pixels with black to delete the rest of the background
you don’t want. Try reducing the size of your brush to more accurately delete pixels. If you mess up, press X on
the keyboard to switch from painting in black to painting in white. When you paint with white, any pixels you
accidentally deleted will return.
Your image should look like this when you are finished deleting the unnecessary pixels.
Step 8: In the Mask panel, choose the Mask edge button, and dialog box will pop open. Adjust the option in the
Refine Mask dialog box so that the mask fits more snugly around the edge of the statue. I set the Radius at 0,
Contrast to 100, Smooth to 6, Feather to 2.4. Click “OK” when the mask looks accurate.
Step 9: When you are done refining the edge of the mask, go to File > Save as… Save the file to your yearbook
student folder. Name the file “LastName_Cat cut-out.” Make sure you save the file in PNG format. You’re
IMPORTANT: Always save cut-outs as PNG files. JPG does not support transparent backgrounds.
HOT TIP: Always save your original cut-out as a PSD file somewhere safe so you can re-edit your cut-out
again later if needed.

Lit Mag - outside prompt shoot - due February 5th & yearbook introduction

Today I wanted to do two things. First, introduce the Lit Mag outside prompt shoot and second give you in introduction to our next in class project, yearbook spreads.


Lit Mag

I would like all of you to complete a Prompt Shoot outside of school. This is unusual because we are working with the staff of the Bowie Literary Magazine to get some images for their publication. The Literary Society has been working hard to revive this publication and I am a complete supporter of their efforts.

You will have until Monday, Feb 5th for this outside shoot assignment. It will also be a MAJOR grade for me. You are NOT required to submit your effort to the Lit Mag, but if you want, I will work with you on getting it over to them. You will be required to turn in THREE (3) images, each representing a different prompt listed below.

The best way to shoot this type of images is to not overthink, but you do have to plan. Below you will find a list of "prompts" in the form of the name of the poem/written piece. Your job will be to interpret it however you think, very similarly to what we do with prompt shoots. This is a fairly long list because it would be great to have images representing a number of these to help the literary magazine staff have options when piecing together the product. You will get credit in the Lit Mag and your name will appear in the magazine. This is a great publication opportunity.

Here is the list, in no specific order:

As gentle as the ocean
If childhood had a flavor
Reading Stephen King
A Sunday Night in my Bed
Daily Routine
Urgency to Escape
The Ugly Boy and The Green Bean
Reality Eludes Me
Past Secret
Chickens and an old deer in a Broken Aluminum Train Car
Those Cobblestone Streets
Twilight Hour
One last word
The Temptress
Room 223
I am a nail
A nail (3rd person)
A Box That My Childhood Could Fit Inside
Life is Full of Disappointment
Silver Linings Interrupted
A Pessimist's Autumn
A Summer
Unclear solutions
The Floppy Dog
Her Again
Placebo Effect
The Inconspicuous Night
Fairy Lights
Coffee Mug

In addition, there are sections to the Lit Mag this year and potentially there could be images created to go with those divider pages. The theme this year is based on the zodiac. Here are the working section titles:

Fire Signs:
Aires the Ram, Leo the Lion, Sagittarius the Centaur

Earth Signs:
Taurus the Bull, Virgo the Virgin, Capricorn the Goat

Water Signs:
Cancer the Crab, Pisces the Fish, Scorpio the Scorpion

Air Signs:
Aquarius the Waterbearer, Gemini the Twins, Libra the Scales

Linked below is a googledoc that has descriptions of these signs. Each sign will be its own section. If you are interested in shooting photos for the dividers, you should go take a look at this document:

Your submission must be school appropriate, but other than that, it is up to your interpretation. If you want to talk about ideas with me, I would be happy to work with you. If you decide to send in your work, you may chose to include a title of your piece, or it will be listed as "untitled".

You may use all of my equipment, including specialty lenses if we talk about your ideas. I also have tripods if you need them.

Last year the theme was:

See how creative they are - find a way to do this!!

Here are some examples from last year:

Prompt: Child
Photo by Julia Provenzi

Prompt: Cosmic Planning
Photo by Caroline Ritter

Prompt: Fruitless trail
Photo by Addyson Hibdon

Prompt: I believe in make up
Photo by Katheryn McClanahan

Prompt: In the woods
Photo by Arunav Lamsal

Prompt: Safe Haven
Photo by Connor Reilly

Prompt: Things you don't notice, but I do
Photo by Carlos Canepa

Prompt: Breathe
Photo by Hannah Hartley

Now for today's assignment:

Yearbook introduction:

Today you will be looking through a yearbook. Our next big project will be learning how to create a "spread" for yearbook. I will also be talking about the courses beyond this class for those of you who are planning to stick with journalism next year as we ready for choice sheets.

When you get your book, please start from the beginning of the book are work your way page by page to the end.

As you are going, on your blog in a post called Yearbook Introduction, please list any elements you think that a good yearbook has in it. By this I mean, if I were to gather 25 yearbooks from around the country, what elements of the your book should I see in all 25 books. Here is one example: every yearbook should have the school name on the cover somewhere.

This doesn't have to be an exhaustive list, meaning I don't expect you to get all of them, someone else in class will come up with the ones you miss.

So how about this - find 25 things you think should be in every yearbook.

Then, answer the following questions:

1. What is the title of your book?
2. What school is it from?
3. What "thematic elements" do you see in your book? This means what elements are evident from beginning to end of the book
4. How many sections are in your book? This could be tough to figure out, but do your best
5. What is your favorite "spread"? A spread is 2 pages about the same topic
6. Is there an Index in your book?
7. Are there photos of groups of people, like clubs and organizations?
8. Is there a table of contents?
9. How many people go to the school whose book you have?
10. What state is your book from?

Next class we will go over the book in more detail and begin talking about how to create a spread.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Deadlines in Journalism

You will be reading two stories. The first is on WHY deadlines are important and the second will be on HOW to improve your deadline skills and habits. Please complete this task in a blog post titled: Deadlines, ARGGH!!

First read this article and answer the questions below:

1. What is the origins of the word deadline?
2. What impact will missing a deadline have on you?
3. Have you had issues meeting deadlines in other classes? If so, what consequences did you have for missing those deadlines?
4. Do you find yourself missing deadlines on a regular basis? If so, what do you think causes you to miss deadlines?
Now read this article on how to improve your deadline skills and answer the questions below:

1. Which of those eight suggestions do you think might help you be more efficient?
2. Which of the suggestions is the toughest for you to complete? Why?
3. Are you a morning or night person?
3A. What are some of the problems you might run into because you are more productive at certain times of the day?
4. How can you create a dedicated study time for yourself?
5. What are three direct things could you do to eliminate distractions?

Finally, look at the following suggestion list for help with homework and answer the questions below:

1. Are there any correlations to taking control of your homework and time management?
2. What is your ideal study setting and mood?
3. What are your biggest distractions when it comes to studying?
4. What three things could you do to help with those distractions?

Friday, January 5, 2018

Phobia Preview

Phobia - A phobia (from the Greek: meaning "fear" or "morbid fear") is, when used in the context of clinical psychology, a ape of anxiety disorder, usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation in which the sufferer commits to great lengths in avoiding, typically disproportional to the actual danger posed, often recognized as irrational.

In the event the phobia cannot be avoid entirely the sufferer will endure the situation or object with marked distress and significant interference in social or occupational activities.

Research by completing the questions below: Answer the questions on your blog in a post titled "Phobia Project".

A. 1. What is a Phobia?

B. List and define 5 phobias from The Phobia List:

C. Brainstorm on your blog possible ideas for your Phobia photo.

Things to consider:

Figure(s) & Object(s) (which should reveal something of the phobia in the photo)
Format: horizontal vs Vertical
Subject Placement: Rule of Thirds, balance, ???
Background - what will be behind your subjects?
Point of View - where you place the camera, and what perspective do you want your viewers to see?
Lighting: create mood/feeling
Clothing: can suggest personal style/career profession
Subject: mannerism, reactions, expressions and body language

Plan three different shoots with three different phobias. What will you shoot, who will model, how will you show the phobia in the photo or video, where will you shoot these images? Please detail this out in a paragraph for each phobia (remember you will shoot and turn in three photos or 1 video).

D. What photographic techniques can you use to help highlight your images? Come up with one idea for each of your three photos you will take.

Below you will find a couple of examples. Some of these are a be ready.....

This is now an active assignment and you can get a camera when you want to shoot these photos. These pictures will be due Monday, February 2 by the end of class.

Here are some examples from last year. Can you figure out the phobia?:

Choice Sheets

Choice Sheets
Soon all of you will be asked to start making choices for your schedule for 2017-2018. 

For the rest of you I want you to be armed with the best information possible about what it means to be in the print journalism department.

You have three options next year: You can take Advance Graphic Design and Illustration for Newspaper, Commercial Photography, or you can take Advance Graphic Design and Illustration for Yearbook. All three require you to fill out an application form. For yearbook you will also have to meet directly with Ms. Shirack for an interview. For the others, you are actually doing your interview now as you sit in my class.

The cycle looks like this:

year #1 - Photojournalism/Principals of AV Tech (the class you are currently taking)

year #2 - Graphic Design and Illustration for Newspaper, (or yearbook), OR Commercial Photography

year #3 - Journalism Independent Study (both newspaper and yearbook) OR Advance Commercial Photography 

year #4 - Advance Graphic Design and Illustration for Newspaper, (or yearbook), or Practicum in Photography

Here is a simple description and a rough explanation of the options you have in each class:


      Publishes the The Dispatch newspaper once every six weeks. Typically the paper is 16 pages long, there are about 50 stories written for each newspaper and about 20 photographs published. Every newspaper student is expected to write at least one story per issue and some people write three or more. Photographers are expected to write, but if they shoot multiple photography assignments the writing can be limited.

     There are multiple editors on staff and they are selected by current editors at the end of the school year. There are generally editor openings for students who enter the class at the beginning of the year. Layout and design is handled by editors, but there are assistant editor positions available for each section. They help with the creation of the pages.

     The Dispatch newspaper is "The Voice" of Bowie High School. Students in the class get to decide the coverage each issue and there are multiple opportunities for individual expression on issues that impact students at our school. Its the only place where students can share their opinions in first person and have it published for the school to read.

     One new aspect to the newspaper is our online version. We are always looking for talented people to work for the online version. This year we have a very dedicated staff of people working daily on new content for our website. We also have a robust social media component, including Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. This growing team is looking for serious members to join their ranks. The website can be seen here:

Mr. Reeves teaches the newspaper class.

Commercial Photography: 

     This is the one of the fastest growing new programs here at Bowie. It is being offered as an alternative to newspaper (and yearbook) for students interested in learning advance photography skills. Students will learn more about the following types of photography and concepts: studio photography, action/sports photography, fashion photography, product photography, night/star photography, painting with light, lighting, make-up and hair, RAW, Adobe Lightroom, etc.

     Students who enroll in this class are REQUIRED to have their own camera by the end of the first six weeks. Individuals who take commercial photography will be required to participate in after-school projects and will have to be available to shoot after hours events like sporting events, theater/fine arts productions, night photography, etc. Please realize that this class is a BIG step up from photojournalism, you will be required to shoot a lot, and you will have to do that outside of school.

     This is a serious class designed for students who are interested in pursuing a career in photography after high school. There is the potential that eventually students who take this course will earn ACC credit at the completion of three years in the class (so if you are currently a freshman or sophomore).

Ms. Dobrzenski teaches this class and she will be in later this week to talk to you about her program.


     Students who complete Photojournalism can apply to join the Lone Star yearbook. The book, which is worked on throughout the year, publishes sometime in mid-May each year. The book is about 350 pages long and students in the class are responsible for the creation of two-page spreads. Staff members are responsible for all the content on their spread, including taking pictures, writing captions, headlines, writing stories, and completing personality profiles.

     There is typically a little room for creativity with a portion of the spread, because most of the lay-out and design is done ahead of time by a group of editors selected towards the end of the school year. Much of that work is done during the summer or very early in the school year by a dedicated group of editors. Most of these people are picked in advance and have been in the program for multiple years. You could be one of those people if you wanted.

     Students who want to apply for yearbook must have a letter of recommendation from Mr. Reeves, must complete a paper application and will be required to meet with Ms. Shirack, the yearbook advisor for an interview. Only those selected by Ms. Shirack will be allowed to remain on the class rolls next year. Please do not directly choose the class on your choice sheet without prior approval.

Ms. Shirack teaches this course


If you have questions about which class might be best for you, please talk with me privately and I will make a recommendation based on what skills I see in you. Each class has its strengths and weaknesses and I want you to be in the class that interests you the most and will better prepare you for the real world and your plans for the future. I will be meeting with each of you individually to get your current plans so I can start preparing for next year.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welcome back!

Today lets get started with a fun little assignment.

Since its now 2018 I think its appropriate that we look back at the year 2017 and reflect upon the things that happened in that year.

First, lets look at some photos.

Go to the following websites and look at the photos there. On your blog post your THREE (3) favorites and tell me why it was your favorite photo of the year. I have included a few websites for you to look at, spend at least 20 minutes looking at these sites. You may have to wait for the images to load AND you may need to search out the images on Google as you probably can't download the image directly. You will also have a slideshow to look at - please make sure you are looking at more than the first photo. You should read the stories of those photos you find compelling if there is a link to do so.

Second, lets write about some things you found interesting this year. Below I have listed 5 prompts - on your blog please find a photo that goes with each prompt and then write a paragraph about each. Why did you chose that as your main choice, what things attracted you to that choice and why was it the best of 2017? To help you a little I have put a link below the prompt that may or may not help you. You are free to find your own sources.

1. What was the best song of 2017?

2. What was the best movie of 2017?

3. What was the most important news story of the year?

4. Who was the most important person of 2017 in your opinion?

5. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2017 (you should google what is appropriate for your choice), I leave this one to you to find a photo for.

Finally, I want to know about YOUR holiday
1. Tell me what is the one thing that happened on your holiday that you will remember? It can be a trip, a family visit, a present, something fun.

2. What are your resolutions for the 2018 year?

3. What are you looking forward to in 2018?