Friday, March 31, 2017

Extra Credit Opportunity!

Have you checked your grades? Completed all of your assignments? Then you can either work on stuff for other classes/have a free day OR do the following extra credit assignment!

I want you to create a 3 images with 3 different altered perspectives. Use the following images as inspiration and have fun with it! This will earn you 5 extra credit points on an assignment.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sports Portfolio Evaluation

Here is our schedule the next two weeks:

Today we will finish off sports/action photography with a portfolio analysis assignment.
Next class we will shoot architecture
The following class we will process architecture and do a short follow up
Then we will begin the writing segment of class with a practice story.

Please get your headphones out - you will need them to complete today's work.

Here is today's assignment - IT IS A MAJOR GRADE!!:

ASSIGNMENT - titled "Portfolio analysis - how judges pick winning portfolios and sports photos"


-Note - You will need to listen to these videos. Earphones are highly recommended-

Part 1- Portfolios

Go to this web site:

and do the following:

-Note - You will need to take notes either on paper or in a Word document as you watch and listen to the videos-

1. Watch 3 of the 11 Runner-up videos, and answer the following on your blog for EACH:

a. Name of photographer -
b. General focus of portfolio (photoj, sports, stories, etc.)-
c. List three problems that the judges noted with the portfolio -
d. List two things the judges like-
e. What is your overall impression of the photographer? What did you like or not like?

2. Watch the winning portfolio critique (Dustin Snipes), and post the following:

a. What did the judges note as strengths as they were critiquing it?
b. What do you see as strengths? Do you see any weaknesses?

3. Watch the contest recap video at the very bottom.

a. Briefly describe the process the judges went through in deciding the winner.

Part 2- Individual Images

Go to this web site:

and watch parts 1-6.

1. Describe one photo that you agree with the judges on. Explain why you and the judges do or do not like it.

2. Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Architecture Preview #2

When shooting architecture, you should consider the following:

Architectural considerations:

1. Details - Wide shots of the entire building often don't give you a full sense of the character of a structure. The best way is often to get close (either literally or with telephoto lens) and get nice shots of the little details that make a building special.

2. Light - The way that light interacts with and travels through a building is a big part of the mood of a building. By finding areas where natural and artificial light create dramatic scenes, and photographing these with a slow shutter speed (tripod is helpful) a photographer can capture the light as it defines the building.

3. Patterns - Repeated patterns often define the large interior and exterior spaces of a building. By framing a shot so as to maximize the effects of repeated lines, structures and shapes, a photographer can capture the visual rhythm of a building.

4. Angles and shapes- Anything other than a right angle or a rectangular shape is worth photographing, and right angles can even be interesting if photographed well. Buildings are a collection of shapes. Photographers should look at them that way and emphasize interesting geometry whenever possible.

5. Surroundings - Buildings exist in a setting, and that setting helps to define the story of the building. Is the building in harmony with its surroundings or does it stick out like a sore thumb. If your shooting a wide exterior shot of a building, try to show how it interacts with the surroundings. Consider framing the building with its surroundings.

You will need to turn in one photo for each prompt - for a total of 5 images. Be creative. Try to change your perspective. Expose the images properly please. You will be shooting these next class so if you want to bring your own camera, please do so. F

Here is your assignment for today:

Go back to Architecture preview #1. For the 5 buildings you picked out for that assignment, I want you to go find 1 photo for each of the prompts listed above. Find one image that shows details, one for light, one for patterns, one for angles and shapes and finally one image for surroundings for EACH of the five buildings. Post these images on your blog in a new post called Architecture preview #2. You should label each image and you should post a total of 25 images today. I know that it might be hard to find each of these for your selected building, but do the best you can. If you absolutely cannot find an image that works for one of the prompts, indicate that in your blog post. Do NOT turn in less than 20 images.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Architecture Preview #1

Architecture Preview

Soon we will be out shooting architecture. For a preview assignment to this type of photography, lets do some searching on the internet and find some unusual buildings to check out.

You will learn more about exact types of architecture photos and how to shoot them, but for now lets just look at some cool buildings.

Select 5 of the following buildings and do a google search on them. Find your favorite photo of each and post it on your blog. In addition, please do some research on the building itself.

Answer the following questions:
1. Who is the architect (the person who built it)?
2. When was it built?
3. Where is it located?
4. Is it a private building or can you visit it?
5. Is there information on how much it cost to build?
6. Is there a reason the building was created or the history of the building itself?
7. Why did you pick this building? (write at least a paragraph on this question)
Here are the names of the buildings and the country they are located, remember pick 5 of these:

La Pedrera, Spain
Strong National Museum of Play, USA
Nautilus House, Mexico
Hundertwasserhaus (Forest Spiral, The Hundertwasser Building), Germany
Atomium, Belgium
Kunsthaus Graz, Austria
Kansas City Public Library, United States
Eden project, United Kingdom
National Centre for the Performing Arts, China
Burj Al Arab, Dubai, UAE
Sculptured House, USA
Turning Torso, Sweden
Nord LB building, Germany
Krzywy Domek (The Crooked House), Poland
The Longaberger Company (The Basket Building), United States
Habitat 67, Canada
Cubic Houses, Netherlands
Stone House, GuimarĂ£es, Portugal
The Ufo House, Taiwan
Guggenheim Museum, Spain

Monday, March 20, 2017

Sports/Action Assignment

Here are your instructions for today:
Name your new blog post "Sensory Overload and Sports/Action Assignment"

Everyone needs to scroll down and do the Warm-up titled "Sensory Overload"
This should take about 15 minutes TOPS

"Sensory Overload"

Check out this link:

After you read the story please answer the following questions on your blog:

1. The last sentence of the story says

"I believe that more and more, we are defining our environments not as the spaces themselves, in terms of the buildings or architecture, but rather by the objects and devices that we buy and surround ourselves with. ... I would like that message to carry through universally," Seymour said.

What do you think about this statement?
Do you agree or disagree?
As an aspiring photographer how does this make you feel about your photography?

2. When you looked through the images, did you want to visit this place and take your camera?

3. What do you think it would be like to be the child of someone who worked at this place?

4. Describe your favorite photo to me.


Sports Action Photo Prompts

You must get the following four types of photos and you must shoot in Manual:

Photo 1 - This is the photo of the subject running or moving directly at you.

Photo 2 -This is the photo of the subject running across the plane of the camera.

Photo 3 - This is the "Panning" photo - make sure you pick one that is blurry except where you caught the subject correctly in focus.

Photo 4 - This is your "blur" photo, you can submit any photo you want here as long as it shows motion and blur. Be creative and pick one that you think is cool looking.

Here are some examples:

Photo 1 - this photo must be of a person in action moving directly at you. This photo must be clear and in focus. To get this shot, your shutter speed will have to be high enough to stop action, which means 1/250th or higher. You will need to use your light meter to determine the f/stop opening for your aperture. You will be allowed to crop the photo in Photoshop and I expect you to do levels and color adjust the photo properly.

Here are two examples of a person in motion, moving at directly (or at least closely) at the camera:

Photo 2 - this photo must show a person in motion in front of the camera, moving parallel to the plane that the camera is on. This means that person is moving across your field of vision. You should stop their motion perfectly and the picture must be in focus. To get this shot, your shutter speed will have to be high enough to stop action, which means 1/250th or higher. You will need to use your light meter to determine the f/stop opening for your aperture. Again, you will be able to crop in Photoshop and you must do color adjustments as well.

Here are a couple of examples of people moving across the plane:

Photo 3 - in this photo you will use a technique called "Panning". This technique will be shown to you outside when we get to the courtyard, but I want to make sure to describe it here, show you an example and give you some instructions. First, you will need to adjust your shutter speed to a very low number like 1/60 or even 1/30 of a second to make this work. You will have to use your light meter correctly to adjust for this change. It will probably mean you need to increase your f/stop to like f/8 or even f/11 (or even more). You will also have to make sure your camera is set to shoot multiple photos in a row. Second, this technique makes a photo that upon first look, seems blurry, but when done correctly, one segment of the person in motion should be in focus. It make take multiple attempts to get it. When it is done correctly, the photo will look blurry in the background as well. Finally, to pan correctly, a photographer should set up so the action moves across the plane in front of them. Then they should move their head and camera with the person (or thing) they are shooting, and they should be taking photos. I will show you the technique outside and in the classroom. You will be able to crop these in Photoshop and you will be expected to manage the color as well. It helps if your subject is moving fairly fast, or you are close enough to them that any movement they make with blur a bit

Here is an example of a "panning" photo:

Photo 4 - this photo will be a creative action shot. In this photo I want you to create blur. I want a blurry photo, but I want it to be creative and fun. This is your free choice, one that I don't really care what you shoot, as long as it shows blur. You will color manage the photo in Photoshop and will be allowed to crop it as well.

Here are a couple of examples of a creative "Blur" photo:


And here is a link to a creative shot you could try:

Please do Sensory Overload, shoot and then:

Please process your images in Photoshop - do levels and you may crop the image as indicated below.

Make sure you post FOUR (4) photos to your blog.

1. Action coming directly at the camera
2. Action moving across the plane of the camera at a 90 degree angle
3. Panning - post your best effort, even if it isn't perfect
4. Creative blur

Reminders:  When you get the crop tool to crop your image, you need to go to the top menu bars and find the drop down with the word "Ratio" and change that to "HxWxResolution" so you can crop the way you are used to cropping.

You will need to post FOUR (4) photos in the format I will list in below. You will need to write a correct caption for each. If you do not remember the format, refer to your blog where you did those last semester.

Photo 1 - This is the photo of the subject running or moving directly at you - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in full color, and saved at 200 dpi/resolution. Don't forget to do color corrections by using levels.

Photo 2 -This is the photo of the subject running across the plane of the camera. - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in full color and at 180 dpi/resolution. Don't forget to do levels!

Photo 3 - This is the "Panning" photo - make sure you pick one that is blurry except where you caught the subject correctly in focus. Submit your best one - I know this is hard to learn in 15 minutes so I will be forgiving with your grade on this one if you tried your best!! - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in full color and saved at 300 dpi/resolution. Don't forget to do color corrections in photoshop.

Photo 4 - This is your "blur" photo, you can submit any photo you want here as long as it shows motion and blur. Be creative and pick one that you think is cool looking - this photo should be saved at 30 pica x 42 pica (or 42px30p), in Black and White (greyscale) and saved at 150 dpi/resolution. If Black and White really ruins the approach to your photo, you are free to leave it in color if you want.

You must post each of these on your blog. I hope you remember how to do "levels" in photoshop and you remember how to crop, how to change from color to black and white and how to change the dpi/resolution. I will be able to tell if you did it right or wrong, so make sure to ask if you don't remember. You can look at previous blogs, or ask a friend.

FINALLY, when you finish with these two assignments, please finish your Sports Preview Google Slides assignment.


Warm-up - sensory overload - Minor
Sports/Action shoot - Major
Sports Preview Google Slides - Minor

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Action Preview Assignment

Look at some great sports photography!!

This Google Slides Presentation is multiple pages long and it has all the information you need to complete the rest of the work today. So make sure you scroll through all 19 pages full screen.

Now go to these websites and see some great sports photos:

Copy and paste photos from the above sites (DO NOT TAKE PHOTOS FROM THE GOOGLE SLIDES PIECE) to  complete the 13 slide Google Slides presentation described below:
Make a google slides presentation. When you are done, please make sure you share it properly (with and post the link on your blog. It MUST be shared correctly. ONLY those people who have at least 11 slides done will be allowed to shoot next class.

Slide 1 - answer the warm-up questions from the first 4 slides here

Slide  2 - Find a Large example of an excellent action shot.
Slide 3- A slide with a small version of the same photo, and the following information:
1)  Is it a money shot or a safety shot? How can you tell?
2) Is it  shot with high (250 or higher), Medium (100-250), or slow (Below 100)  shutter speed, and what specifically in the photo shows this?
3)  Discuss anything about the lighting and / or composition that adds  significantly to the impact of the photo.

Slide  4 - Find a large example of an excellent reaction shot.
Slide 5 - A  slide with a small version of the same photo, and the following information:
1)  Is it a money shot or a safety shot? How can you tell?
2) Is it  shot with high (250 or higher), Medium (100-250), or slow (Below 100)  shutter speed, and what specifically in the photo shows this?
3)  Discuss anything about the lighting and / or composition that adds  significantly to the impact of the photo.

Slide  6 - Find a large example of an excellent rituals shot.
Slide 7 - A  slide with a small version of the same photo, and the following information:
1)  Is it a money shot or a safety shot? How can you tell?
2) Is it  shot with high (250 or higher), Medium (100-250), or slow (Below 100)  shutter speed, and what specifically in the photo shows this?
3)  Discuss anything about the lighting and / or composition that adds  significantly to the impact of the photo.

Slide  8 - Find a large example of an excellent coach shot.
Slide 9- A slide  with a small version of the same photo, and the following information:
1)  Is it a money shot or a safety shot? How can you tell?
2) Is it  shot with high (250 or higher), Medium (100-250), or slow (Below 100)  shutter speed, and what specifically in the photo shows this?
3)  Discuss anything about the lighting and / or composition that adds  significantly to the impact of the photo.

Slide  10 - Find a large example of an excellent fans shot.
Slide 11 - A slide  with a small version of the same photo, and the following information:
1)  Is it a money shot or a safety shot? How can you tell?
2) Is it  shot with high (250 or higher), Medium (100-250), or slow (Below 100)  shutter speed, and what specifically in the photo shows this?
3)  Discuss anything about the lighting and / or composition that adds  significantly to the impact of the photo.

Slide  12 - Find a large example of an excellent features shot.
Slide 13 - A  slide with a small version of the same photo, and the following information:
1)  Is it a money shot or a safety shot? How can you tell?
2) Is it  shot with high (250 or higher), Medium (100-250), or slow (Below 100)  shutter speed, and what specifically in the photo shows this?
3)  Discuss anything about the lighting and / or composition that adds  significantly to the impact of the photo.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Newspaper Design #2


Let's double check that you are really done:

Do you have the following:

1. A headline for every story
2. A caption for every photo
3. Are there any big white spaces? If so you need to fix that. EXCEPT FOR THAT BOX PROBLEM IN 1ST AND MS. D's classes.
4. Have you written all the headlines? Do they fill the entire space required? If not you need to write them to fill the entire space.
5. Did you use line dividers? Are they in the right place?
6. Do all captions have a photo by?
7. Do all stories have a byline?
8. If you used art (any .jpeg without a caption that I wrote for it), does it have an art by?
9. Are the entire stories there? Please read the story and make sure it doesn't cut off somewhere weird.
10. Did you put a stop into place at the end of every story?
11. Did you view your page in Preview mode? You should and take a look at what you are actually turning in.

.PDF and email, .JPEG and your blog

When you are done - you need to make your In Design document into a PDF file (.pdf file extension) and email it to Coach D at and then convert that PDF into a JPEG (.jpeg file extension) and post it on your blog.

Here is how you do that:

You must have your Newspaper 2 Spread open in InDesign (NOT photoshop)

Converting your InDesign file to PDF Directions:

>File>Adobe PDF presets>Smallest File Size

Rename your newspaper page as follows: Last name_first name_newspaperpage_period #

Make sure to save it in your folder (not your H-drive, not your S-drive, NOT the desktop, your folder)


>Hit Export

If you get any sort of pop-up box, hit okay

This will create a single page .pdf spread. Email this to me using the following directions.

Submission Directions (How to turn it in)

1. Open your email (gmail, yahoo, whatever you use), compose new mail
2. The email address to send your yearbook spread is:
3. The subject line is: Last name_first name_newspaperspage_period#
4. Click attach file (it often has a paperclip looking item next to it)
5. Attach your yearbook spread - BE VERY CAREFUL and make sure to send me the one that is a .PDF (It will have a .pdf ending and the file should look like a little grey square) DO NOT SEND ME THE InDesign document which is purple and at the end says .indd.
6. Click send (or mail or whatever your company uses to send mail).

Posting your JPEG on your blog 

FINALLY  -  we want to post these on your blog. To do this you have to convert the .pdf into a jpeg file.

1. Open Photoshop
2. Open the .pdf of your newspaper spread (NOT the .indd, it won't work)
3. When the .pdf converter pop-up box appears, hit OKAY
This will open them both in Photoshop.
4. >File>Save as
5. Change the format into .jpeg
6. Click save
7. Make sure you save it at the highest file size
8. If you get any other pop-up boxes, click okay
9. Post it on your blog.