I forgot to mention to you all yesterday, that a good friend of mine is selling his camera equipment for a great price! If you are planning on taking Commercial Photography next year, you MUST have your own camera. Everything is in great condition and is posted on my board at the front of the room. Let me know if you are interested.
1) Please make sure you see the post below this for your yearbook assignment and get that planned out TODAY! 8 of you have cameras for the weekend so make sure you do this assignment in addition to your phobia one.
2) Be sure to have your blogs updated on any missing assignments! Check the grade book or your neighbor if you are unsure.
3) Now that we have taken some self portraits, lets take a look at the difference between a self portrait and a selfie. Is there a difference? Read the following articles and tell me what you think! I want AT LEAST 3 PARAGRAPHS! Title the new blog post "Self Portrait vs the Selfie"
What is a selfie?
What is a self portrait?
Is there a difference? If so, what?
What style do you prefer?
Is one more valuable/important than the other? Why?
In addition to this, I want you to post a selfie on the post (yes you may use your phone). Be creative, the sub will let you go out and shoot outside of the room or you can wait until after school if you are going for something in particular.