Monday, May 7, 2018


You may pick your groups for this but I want 4-5 people per group, I do not want anyone working alone so if you do not join a group I will put you in one that is already established. Let me know your groups ASAP.

Your group will be creating a 2-3 minute TRAILER! It can be a trailer for a movie or a book but it must be school appropriate! Please come see me if you have any questions regarding what is appropriate. 

This is due before or on the day of your final, no exceptions! You have the rest of the year to complete this project as well as any other assignments, everything is posted in TEAMS and on the blog so there should not be any surprises.

1) Vadim, JoEdward, Ethan, Eric & Riley
2) Haley, Alyssa, Cameron, Erin & Ashley
3) Henry, Reagan, Elijah, Thomas and Conrad

1) Darby, Elise, Kylie, Athena and Zoe
2) Hope, Ellen, Almalleli, Nuria, and Tyler VH
3) Roman, Michael, Gavin, Weston and Jonathan
4) Zachary, Andres, Tyler, Kevin and Logan

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Landscape Photography Preview

Our last area of study in photography this year is Landscapes.

Many people believe that landscapes are one of the easiest types of photographs to get, and I won't argue much with that. Drive along any country road and you will often find a place where you can create a great landscape image just by sticking your phone or camera out the window and clicking the button. But I would also argue that the BEST landscape images are not taken in that fashion.

Since the Bowie campus isn't very friendly for landscapes, we won't be shooting one in class, your 5 edited photos will be DUE MAY 18TH!!

So you are better prepared to go shoot these, I wanted to share some tips and tricks with you that I really like.

So go check out this website:

Now answer a few questions about what you learned and post the answers on your blog in a post called Landscapes.

1. Where is one place on the internet you might go to better prepare yourself for the location you are shooting at?

2. What is one app you might download to help you when trying to pick the best angle to take landscape photos?

3. What is the biggest problem shooting with a zoom or telephoto lens?

4. Instead of using the HDR method you learned in my class, what is another technique the website suggest would be acceptable for compensating for sky and ground?

5. List three things you should always carry in case of bad weather.

6. Why would pre-scouting help you when shooting?

7. Is subject or composition more important in landscape photography?

8. What is the suggested procedure to create simple, yet striking images?

9. Why black and white?

10. Why would you want to go back to a location you have already been?

Monday, April 30, 2018

Merger Preview

Soon you will be making what I call a merger photo. They look like this:

To make this photo, you will take at least 5 images (you can take as many as you want, as long as you are careful, usually 7 or 8 is about all you can get) of the exact same background, but you will have to physically move around in each image. As you can see above this student took 5 photos and moved from left to right across the background as she went.

Students have done a variety of things through the years of doing this assignment, from spelling out words with their arms (think YMCA), to writing words on a paper and showing a different word in each photo. Also, you should think about how you can position yourself besides across the plane of the photo, think about height and depth as well.

In a blog called Merger Photo, please answer the following questions.

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.

2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?

3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?

4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?

Finally I want you to post 5 images on merger photos that you can find on the internet and tell me what you liked/found interesting about each one.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Portfolio and Car Raid Extra Credit


All of the items on this exam appear on your blog and should be archived in your folder on the server. If you are missing any items on the list – on that page please just put MISSING. You will lose points for any missing items, unless you were not in my class at the time of the assignment. If you were not enrolled in my class for any of the assignments, please just put NOT IN CLASS on that page. These are two very different things - missing and not in class....FYI.

If you pull photos directly from you blog - they will be pixelate and you will lose points for each pixelated photo, but if that is the only place you have the photo, you should get something on each page if possible. If you pull photos from your folder on the desktop files they will not pixelate and those will be acceptable for this assignment. 

The best practice for sizing images is to use Photoshop to make them fit, but some of you know shortcuts - if you hold the command and shift button at the same time you grab the corner of your photo you can change the size of the photo without making the photo look funny. If you photos look funny (i.e. skinny or fat) you will lose points, so please do this correctly.

Here you go!! Good luck!!

Please launch InDesign

Create a new document

Make the document 21 pages long (unless you have Extra Credit photos, then make it 22)

The document size should be letter size (should be the default)

Place the following items on the correct pages:

Page 1 – name and period number
Page 2 – the first photos you took in my class (at least 2 photos of the 4 or 6 you turned in)
Page 3 – your Prompt Shoot #1 photos (4 total photos)
Page 4 – your academic photos (there are 3-5 including the intentional avoiding merger photo you should have taken which shows a merger image)
Page 5 – Mural Project photos (1-3 images, just place your best images here not all of them)
Page 6 – your self-portrait AND portrait (2 photos)
Page 7 – your Prompt Shoot #2 photos (3 photos)
Page 8 – your magazine cover with your portrait - you can copy and paste the .jpeg directly across
Page 9 – your magazine cover with your self-portrait - you can copy and paste the .jpeg directly across
Page 10 - your Lit Mag images (at least 3, you may have more include what you want)
Page 11- Phobia Photos (3 photos)
Page 12 - Prompt Shoot #3 (4 photos)
Page 13 – action/motion photos (4 photos)
Page 14 – architecture photos (5 photos)
Page 15 - Student of the month story (just copy and paste into a story box)
Page 16 - Graffiti AND found objects (2 photos)
Page 17 - Merger photo (1 photo)
Page 18 - HDR (1 or 2 images)
Page 19 - Extra Credit - Car Raid, Architecture,  2nd Merger, or 2nd HDR images. If you have more than one of these, you may need to add an additional page to this document. Ask for help if you cannot figure it out.
Page 20 (or 21 if you don't have extra credit) – Please answer the following questions, I expect you to write at LEAST 3 sentences for each question so you will have to answer WHY for each of the questions:

1. What was your favorite assignment this year?

2. If you were telling an eight grader about this class, what would you tell them?

3. Which photo that you took was your favorite this year?

4. Why was that photo your favorite?

5. What rules of photography did you follow in that photo?

6. What was your least favorite photo you took this year?

7. Why was it your least favorite?

8. What one thing will you take from this class into the real world with you?

Please convert this InDesign document into a .pdf at the smallest file size and email the entire document to me at This assignment is due by the end of the semester, you will have two class days to work on the assignment. Grading will basically be 5 points per page.

Extra Credit opportunity below:

Car Raid

Basically you will be writing a story about someone, a personality profile if you will, based on what you find in their car and interviewing them IN THEIR car. The main subject of your story doesn't have to be about their car, but the story should develop from what you found in their car.

Here is the assignment:

This assignment will be DUE FRIDAY, May 18th.

HDR Preview

Our next assignment is called High Dynamic Range photography.

Here is information on shooting HDR images:

And here are some great examples:

Next class, if the weather cooperates we will go out and shoot an HDR image and process it in Photoshop.

On your blog, pick a couple of images you found that were processed in HDR and post them on your blog in a post titled HDR photography.

Please answer the following questions:

1. What manipulations to the camera will you need to make to create an HDR image?
2. What equipment will we use to take this type of image?
3. What is the reason someone might take an HDR image?
4. What can we expect to happen with the images once we merge them together, what will we see that we might not have seen with just one photo?

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Graffiti and Found Objects--OUTSIDE SHOOT

This shoot will be on your own with any camera you have access to (including your phone). Your assignment is simple, you will post 4 photos that you took out in the world of the following subject:

Graffiti or "found" objects.

By "found" objects I mean something that is not in its natural setting. Examples: a plastic soda bottle floating in a stream, or a newspaper sitting on a street corner bench. It must be an OBJECT, not a person.

If you need a definition of graffiti, well.....good luck.

You may NOT shoot any of these on the Bowie High School campus - it must be out in the world, your world.

Due date is Monday, April 16 by the end of class.

Here is the grading criteria:

Having 4 photos posted = 50%

They are of actual graffiti or "found" objects found in the world = 25%

The composition, lighting and well the photos were taken = 25%

Any questions? please ask me privately.

Script Writing

Today I will put you in your groups to start working on your next video project. The subject/content is entirely up to you, you must keep it school appropriate (If you have questions on what that means come ask me). Your video needs to be between 3-5 minutes long and must be primarily filmed on campus.

Once you decide what your video will be about, you need to start working on your script/screenplay! You will have today and next class to complete this. Next week we will start shooting and editing. 

Here is a link to the video we will watch together in class, in case you need to look back on it for instructions.